We all know the complexities of the Covid 19 virus’s effect upon small business and working people. We know the effects upon single parents and parents overall with the uncertainties and scheduling difficulties with home, work, and school. Yes, our local schools, their staff and teachers, as well as schools around the state, have struggled to maintain an educational process for the kids and teens, but also for their own careers. Have you considered our school’s athletic departments? Castle View High School’s Athletic Department is not only top-notch, but served by a gentleman who has unlimited passion for his students and athletes.
We all know the setbacks our young athletes, coaches, and athletic directors have faced in the beginning of our school year, even now. Athletic scholarships are at stake. Loss of revenues from ticket sales, limiting the growth and enhancements of quality athletic departments. School sports, in high school especially, are the backbone of character and career building for many of our young athletes. How can we support these young people our coaches, staff, and athletic directors who have such a passion for with their successes in life?
Back towards the beginning of our school year, I had the pleasure of meeting an Athletic Director who shares in these concerns at Castle View High School. While visiting and listening to Derek Cordes, I could feel the passion from which he serves his students, athletes, coaches, and school. After the policy procedure of temperature check, security check, signing in, and confirming I was who I said I was, we sat in his office, masks coverings on, as I listened and asked questions concerning what was needed for the athletic department and how I could help. Derek is a family man, which was obvious from the pictures of family on his desk. I could sense a great deal of humility and gratitude from this man.
Afterwards, I was given a tour of the gymnasium and the athletic grounds. I was impressed to say the least with the football and baseball fields. What I noticed most, was the banners along the fences and on the gymnasium walls reflecting the community support from local small businesses in Castle Rock. I have always known athletic departments receive support from the outlying business communities, and with Castle View’s reputation with educational and sports activity quality, I was not surprised by the support from which I saw.
As an avid ambassador to our Castle Rock’s community of locally owned small businesses, I began to feel as though I was a liaison between Castle View High School’s Athletic Department and our local business owners. These banners I speak of display who in the local business community is supporting our local young athletes, indirectly through the Castle View Athletic Department. So, it became obvious to me during these financial times of struggle, what better time to come together and support one another. Your banner will support your business and reputation, while offering financial support to the Castle View Athletic Department. Think about it. We all serve in one way or another, and this is a proven and valuable way in which you may do so. You can support all athletics for Fall Sports, Winter Sports, and Spring Sports.
Castle View High School gym and fields host several events for not only Castle View High School, but Castle Rock Middle School, Castle Rock Rec, Raptors, and Gold Crown. Here is a list of sponsorships offered:
- Gymnasium Advertisement
- Sabercatsports.org
- Pride Signs
- Sabercat Home Sporting Events Live Streaming
- Community Partner Grand Slam
- Game Day Sponsor
Thank you for supporting Castle View High School Athletics!
For information on how you, a locally owned small business can help, contact Derek Cordes, Athletic Director Castle View High School. There are several different ways you can support our local young athletes during these times and beyond.
Article By: Gary Godfrey
Article Sponsored By: CRCO – Castle Rock Local Business Alliance