Home Community News Castlewood Ranch Residents Want Their Voices Heard

Castlewood Ranch Residents Want Their Voices Heard


On Tuesday, January 12th, Castlewood Ranch Master Association will hold its annual members association meeting. On the agenda for the meeting is to elect new HOA leadership, an issue that many residents in the neighborhood are happy to see happen.

Dissatisfied residents are upset that the area has fallen into disrepair under the current Homeowners Association and many are hoping next Tuesday will result in a change of HOA board of directors. Castlewood Ranch resident Eian McKinley is frustrated with the lack of upkeep. “We’ve been waiting for a sign in our neighborhood thats been missing for almost a year, and management just keeps telling us that its been ordered,” McKinley explained.

According to the election rules, 10% of the residents in the neighborhood must be represented in order to elect a new board of directors. Along with the percentage rule, other guidelines for the election include homes must be in good standing with the HOA. Any households that have withstanding dues or judgments are not allowed to vote. A minimum of 200 proxy statements are required in order to implement new HOA Board of Directors leadership.

Residents are hoping to use the advantage of proxy votes to get their voices heard. Proxy voting allows for residents to sign a proxy statement for the person they would like to see win the election instead of actually having to be present at the meeting. Richard Levin, one of the candidates running to fill the seat, has previously served on the HOA previously.If he wins the seat, Richard says he will address the frustrations and implement a long term future plan for the neighborhood.

Max Brooks, another Castlewood Ranch residents is giving his vote to Levin. “I’ve had the pleasure of serving with Richard, and Jeff Cannella, on the Castlewood Ranch Metropolitan Board of Directors and have personally witnessed their deep dedication to our community, professionalism, and the sincerity with which they serve and dedicate time to the benefit of all Castlewood Ranch residents. I ask all residents of Castlewood Ranch to support Richard and Jeff for the HOA board of directors,” Brooks described.

For a copy of the proxy statement, click here.