Home Castle Rock Entertainment Group

Castle Rock Entertainment Group

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Castle Rock Entertainment Group, LLC
333 Perry Street Ste. 214
Castle Rock, CO 80104

Welcome to the Castle Rock Entertainment Group. (CREG)

Headquartered in downtown Castle Rock, CREG is a full service multimedia company that focuses on bringing awareness to Castle Rock, Colorado through the promotion of digital arts and multimedia.

The mission of CREG is to serve our local residents and businesses by providing the tools necessary for continued economic growth.

Here are a few of our current projects:

Castle Rock Colorado.org

crco The sole purpose for CRCO or CastleRockColorado.org is to be a resource for local residents to find out what’s going on in Castle Rock. We provide community driven news (topics provided to us by the community), highlight our local businesses by providing interactive data and visibility regarding products and services including reviews, as well as feature local events happening around town.

We developed CRCO because of a need for information among our residents. In addition, our local businesses have been finding it hard to reach local residents and were at times, finding it hard to find work in Castle Rock so we thought there was no better way to bring the two together then through social media and multimedia.

This is how CastleRockColorado.org was formed.

Castle Rock the Movie

Currently, Castle Rock Entertainment Group, LLC is filming a documentary titled “Castle Rock.” The film will focus on the historical aspects of the city as well as the economics. For more information about “Castle Rock,’ the movie please call Sean Hakes, Manager at 720-940-9056.