The August 19 special election has created quite a stir in Castle Rock. Following three formal requests for a recount of ballots cast, the Election Commission was called to review and look at the format of re-tallying the votes.

During the commission’s meeting last Thursday, rules were established concerning: election judges, the Accuvote machine, system testing and more. The entire list of established rules can be viewed at

Tomorrow’s recount is scheduled to begin at 8:30 a.m., Monday, Sept. 15,  in the Town Hall. The process is expected to take most of the day before the result of the re-tabulation can be made. Final review of the results must then be verified by the Town’s municipal judge.

All procedures adopted will apply to this recount and any future recounts. Town staff has been directed by Town Council to perform a comprehensive review of the Town’s Election Code. At that time the recount process will be revisited.

(Source: Town of Castle Rock, Press Release)