Source: Dave Weaver Facebook Page

Douglas County Sheriff, Dave Weaver today on his Facebook page announced today might be his last day as Douglas County Sheriff as well, but for an entirely different reason.

Dave Weaver won the Douglas County GOP primary for County Commissioner and because of Jack Hilbert stepping down to run a new child welfare hotline, there’s a vacancy which is now up to the current commissioners to fill.

“Today could be my last day as Sheriff for Douglas County. It is a bittersweet moment but if I earn your vote tonight to serve as interim commissioner at the Central Committee meeting and in November to serve in an official capacity, I will serve you with honor, honesty, integrity and will continue to put your interests first – Douglas County is where my heart is and always will be. Thank you for believing in me to serve you in the Douglas County Sheriff’s office and to be on the Board of County Commissioners in this great county. Here is a fun picture that a friend of mine took on Sunday that you’ll enjoy. Be safe.” – Dave Weaver – Douglas County Sheriff

We’ll keep you posted as we find out additional information.