When families are relocating, they often consider the move according to the reputation of the school district in which they will be enrolling their kids. Many parents see the importance of a good education and how it will influence their child’s life. Douglas County Schools understands this and has worked hard to retain the best teachers for the district.

A recent press release from the Douglas County School District cites that their teachers are ‘highly effective’ in delivering a good education to students. ‘“We are very pleased to say that we are attracting and retaining the very best teachers and rewarding them with significant raises,” said DCSD Chief Human Resources Officer Brian Cesare. And that is pleasing news for parents who have children currently in the system.

Along with retaining and attracting the best educators, Douglas County has also worked to ‘clean house.’ More than 90 percent of those rated as Effective stayed in the Douglas County School District this year. One-hundred percent of teachers rated as Ineffective have left the district prior to the start of the 2014-15 school year.

Along with rewarding teachers who magnify their positions, Douglas County is also raising the pay-scale for harder to fill positions like special education teachers. “In hard to fill positions such as special education, positions have gone unfilled in the past due to a lack of quality candidates,” explained Cesare. “This year, we had great candidate pools and were able to hire outstanding teachers in all of our traditionally hard to fill categories.”

For parents looking to move within the boundaries of Douglas County, that may be the news they need to make their final decision.

Source: DCSD Press Release, Sept. 8, 2014