
Douglas County Radio, a division of the Castle Rock based, Velocity Radio Network is pleased to announce that the Joe America Show will air live every Monday through Friday from 7 AM to 8 AM and will premiere June 23, 2014.

This Monday’s show will feature special guest, Tony Spurlock candidate for Douglas County Sheriff. You can call in to the program live by calling (303) 800 – 4366. If the line is busy, keep trying.

You can catch the Joe America Show by clicking the Listen Live, button on, or from your cell phone by downloading the Live 365 app, or app and searching for VelocityRadio.

Grab a cup of joe, and stream Douglas County’s highly anticipated political talk show. Joe and Dan will interview local elected officials like Dave Weaver and much more! You won’t want to miss the Joe America Show!

All About the Joe America Show

Who am I? Great question! I am everyone in America that is trying to make a living. Trying to get ahead. Put food on the table. Make sure my kids are safe. Roof over our heads. Avoiding debt. Live the American Dream.

At least, that’s who I’d like to be. Who I am in all reality is a guy that struggles to pay rent. Can barely make car payments. Has a hard time buying a tank of gas. Deciding which bill to pay this month and which to let go until next month.

I am also the guy that my government lied to. Told me that they were going to “fix” things. My life would get better. I’d have a job because they were fixing the economy. My family would have free healthcare. As a middle-class citizen I would not feel the impact of all the taxing that was going to happen ONLY to the top 1%.

I exist to prove to those who produce “news” they don’t know what they are talking about. I’m here to show the government that they got it wrong. They aren’t helping. They’re actually causing more damage than good. I live for the day when America – my family name – is back to where it should and could be, if that is even possible.