Live on Douglas County Radio Monday July 14th, 2014
from 7 AM to 8 AM MT [Listen live here: http://www.velocityradio.fm]
Whether you’re for or against open carry in town owned parks and buildings in Castle Rock, you can’t afford to miss the Joe America Show on Douglas County Radio airing on Monday July 14, 2014 from 7 AM to 8 AM. City councilman and Mayor Paul Donahue will be joining Joe America & Dan to discuss in great detail the special election that will be held in August, the two provisions and how your vote could contribute to either the allowance or ban of open carry in town owned parks and property.
As approved on first reading, the charter amendment question would read:
“Section I-5. Constitutional Rights.
Any restriction or limitation on the rights of citizens to keep and bear firearms enacted by the Town Council shall require the approval of the registered electors as a referred measure under Section 15-4 of this Charter. This Section shall govern and control over Articles II and VII or any other conflicting provision of this Charter. This Section shall not apply to Town Council action which makes unlawful the discharge or brandishing of firearms.”
YES __
NO __
The second question challenges Castle Rock Council’s repeal of an ordinance giving the Town Manager authority to restrict the open carry of firearms in town-owned buildings and parks.
What does this mean for you and regardless of your stance, this is a critical election and it’s important you fully understand the questions and what they mean if passed or not.
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You can learn more about the ballot measures and read both questions here: www.CRgov.com/opencarry.
Residents who need to register can contact the Town Clerk’s Office at (303) 660 – 1367, or visit govotecolorado.com.
Related: SHOCK POLL: Should Open Carry of Firearms be allowed in city owned buildings and parks?
If I can walk into the mayor’s office with my gun in my hand then go ahead. What do you want to bet THAT will be illegal still but walking in a god damned park where children are playing is fine. Are you an idiot????
Hi Carole, thanks for the comment. Again, we understand that this hits most hot button, regardless of position however, we (as in CastleRockColorado.org) is just the platform and the shows are all independently owned. I suggest you listen to the show on Monday as well as post your thoughts, questions and/or comments to the show host on their Facebook page here: http://facebook.com/iamjoeamerica/.
I understand you are frustrated and all we ask is keep your comments respectful. We ask the same for those in favor of open carry.
I hear your frustration Carol. I think the worry I have is that once I visited “Joe America” website and knowing our mayor’s VERY pro open and carry stance on firearms the title of this article is miss leading to think that this will be a balanced and fair discussion on the issue.
Hi Mary, we have invited an indivdual who is strongly against open carry on Joe’s program Wednesday. I have personally requested that Joe keep an open forum as well as mind when it comes to the gun debate. Not one persons voice shouldn’t be heard in a respectful manner and if it’s anything other then that, I’ll know about it and address it however, I don’t think it will be an issue. We want to promote equal voices and will respect that.
I welcome a diverse discussion on this issue. Not to be nit picky If you are equally promoting an opposing voice who is speaking and will she or he have a similar article like our Mayor on the website?
Fascinating. Maybe he can answer why Castle Rock unlike just about every town/city on the font range has a town council pushing for the removal of the ban openly carried guns on municipal property? I also hope they bring up the fact that he is managing partner of a gun club/store. Or the fact that the cgov web site forgets to mention the successful petition to keep the ban inplace in February in its timeline. Or the fact that our town is spending over $50,000 to have the election in August when they could have had a ballot initiative on open and carry in November for half the price. Or the fact that openly carried guns requires no training and includes shotguns, semi automatics, and rifles in places frequented by young children. Or that ….
Maybe he can also point out where in the town code the “brandishing of firearm is prohibited” since it doesn’t exist.
We all know the Mayor is a proponent of the open carry of firearms. It surely doesn’t hurt his business as being an managing partner of the Centennial Gun Club. I hope your interview includes another point of view – perhaps the 2500 CR residents who signed a Referendum to stop the Town Council’s action of repealing the Open Carry Ordinance.
Please visit: http://www.norepealcastlerock.com
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