How’s your eyesight? Your hearing? Do you suffer from joint pain or back pain? Are you looking to improve your mood? How is your overall energy and wellness? If you have questions with any of these or more, ask Vonda of Soul Potential Acupuncture and Wellness. From the Chinese alternative medicines of acupuncture and homeopathy remedies, Vonda just may be able to offer the support you were looking for. Give Soul Potential Acupuncture and Wellness a call. It doesn’t hurt to ask. Or maybe it does. If so, maybe I can help with that!
Introducing Vonda Muncy L. Ac, Dipl, Ac
The local Castle Rock owner of Soul Potential Acupuncture and Wellness, Vonda’s dedication to understanding and applying the practices and techniques of Chinese alternative medicines and remedies are a result of many hours, days, months, and years of study and training within this realm. Vonda’s extensive resume of training speaks for itself, along with the many testimonials of her patients. Her is a glimpse of Vonda Muncy of Soul Potential Acupuncture and Wellness.
Recently, I had the pleasure of a one-on-one meeting with Vonda. After our initial introductions, we went into her office studio where and when I began to learn much about this passionate person. As with most successful, passionate people who serve to help others, time is always a factor, so I moved the conversation right along. Yet, in a short time what I learned about Vonda was not that she was just a passionate person, but that her passion is the result of the joy she receives from the joy her patients share in light of their progress to a healthier, wholeness of life. As most of my readers already know, acupuncture and homeopathy remedies support corrections to many problems of the body and the mind. And what about the senses, one of which are our eyes? Do we not take in everything by sight; how we touch, smell, taste, and even hear? Vonda’s told me, and I paraphrase, that she has a true passion for helping others with their eyes or their problems with their eyesight and eye health. She has dedicated much of her training time and attention to the area of ophthalmology eye health.
Chinese Medical Ophthalmology
“Ophthalmology treatment addresses eye diseases utilizing specialized training in the MA48 acupuncture system.” I will not pretend to understand this method of treatment, or how it even works. For many, eye health could be an enigma; a result of our demographics lifestyles. Our Western lifestyles of eating and drinking can contribute to toxins and chemical imbalances in the body which may directly affect our eyes, possibly enhancing genetic tendencies. Chemical imbalances can be corrected through alternative procedures. This I believe, and this I understand. I shared with Vonda my years of training in the theory and practice of Qigong alternative training. This training has helped me to understand such workings in the body from our environmental lifestyles.
People have found acupuncture effective in treating many conditions. Conditions treated by Soul Potential include:
- Women’s Health Issues
- Pain Challenges
- Digestive Issues
- Emotional Challenges
- Respatory Conditions
- Skin Conditions
- Urinary / Bladder Issues
- Many Other Health Condition
A Philosophy of Wellness
“At Soul Potential, we believe there is no authority greater than the wisdom of your body to bring about your own wellness. Our bodies speak to us all of the time. We just have to listen. Employing techniques from the ancient wisdom of Chinese Medicine and acupuncture, our passion is to help you realize your potential by reducing the physical distractions that are in the way of living your life to the fullest.”
More About Vonda
“When I am not in the office or reading about health or acupuncture, I am learning Aikido or camping, biking, and hiking with my husband and two very active teenagers. My love of acupuncture is only exceeded by my love of learning. As a result, I spend a lot of time attending continuing education training or acupuncture conferences.”
Soul Potential Acupuncture is a Member of the Local Business Alliance of Castle Rock
Location and Resources
Learn more about Vonda Muncy and Soul Potential Acupuncture and Wellness at
Castle Rock Location:
1189 South Perry Street,
Suite 150
Castle Rock, CO 80104