On a recent, snowy morning I stopped by to pay a visit with Steve and Emily Kloter of Castle Rock’s Neighborhood Auto Care and Customs.
This time I didn’t drop in to talk shop, I dropped in to talk about something different; foster care.

Many businesses in Castle Rock are engaged in community service, and I wanted to hear more about what Steve and Emily are involved with.
CRAFF “Castle Rock Adoptive Foster Families”, support families in the Castle Rock area who are currently fostering, have started the process to foster or adopt, have completed an adoption, or are discerning whether fostering/adopting is right for them.
Steve and Emily support this outreach service by offering a resource closet for foster families in a new or temporary status.

Foster family needs is a growing topic in Castle Rock. Families who are licensed to adopt temporarily often have needs for items such as clothing, diapers, toys, baby toiletries, and more. Neighborhood Auto Care and Customs provides a “closet” of items such as these for families fostering ages newborn – six years of age. Often these needs are last minute necessities. The Kloter family is licensed to serve and adopt. To provide a home, family, and care to young ones in need, is a selfless endeavor, something which should always be supportive by all.
The Castle Rock Adoptive Foster Families mission statement is: “Castle Rock Adoptive and Foster Families (CRAFF) supports families in Castle Rock, CO and surrounding areas who are currently fostering, have started the process to foster or adopt, have completed an adoption, or are discerning whether fostering/adopting is right them. CRAFF is a family-led collaboration families, churches, and local businesses and organizations committed to helping foster and adoptive families in our community build sustainable and healthy households. We host monthly family discussion groups, social events, training, and a private Facebook group. We strive to help families experience life as a community, educate others on how to be “foster and adoption-friendly” and support ourselves and the children in our lives!“
Castle Rock Adoptive and Foster Families is a collaborative of Arapahoe, Jefferson, and Douglas Counties.

Neighborhood Auto Care and Custom is more than a visit to an auto mechanic. It is a visit to a family, a home, it is a joy. For the
Besides the pleasant change of communication with Emily or with Steve, you will be well entertained by their little one, Atleigh. What a delight she is. Besides, isn’t that what the life of a family is all about? The kids?
You can find Neighborhood Auto Care and Customs in Castle Rock, Colorado at: 701 Park St Suite E
Find them on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/neighborhoodautocare/
Reference: https://www.castlerockadoptandfoster.org/