The local Girl Scouts are being recognized for more than just their famed treats. On March 7, Castle Rock declared a week in March to honor the organization.
With eight Brownies by her side, Mayor Green read the proclamation before Town Council. “Whereas Juliette Gordon Low founded the Girl Scouts of America on March 12, 1912, and whereas this is the 100th Anniversary of girl scouting in Colorado,” she continued, “And whereas in 1917, the first Girl Scout Council west of the Mississippi was formed in Colorado Springs known as the Wagon Wheel Council.”
It was the Wagon Wheel Council that went on to realign in 2007, incorporating nine counties who were previously served by councils in other states. The Wagon Wheel Council was then renamed the Girl Scouts of Colorado.
Recognizing the years of positive influence the Girl Scouts organization has had on young girls — both locally and nationally — the Town and its citizens took this opportunity to show their appreciation. “In Castle Rock, March 12 through the 18 will be known as Girl Scout week on behalf of these girls,” she noted.
Girl Scout Week Proclamation for Castle Rock, Colorado
Whereas Juliette Gordon Low founded the Girl Scouts of the America on March 12, 1912 and whereas this is the 100th Anniversary of girl scouting in Colorado and whereas in 1917, the first Girl Scout Council west of the Mississippi was formed in Colorado Springs known as the Wagon Wheel Council. Whereas in Girl Scouts, girls develop their leadership potential through activities that enable them to discover their skills values and the world around them as well as connect with others in a multicultural environment. Whereas Girl Scouts continues to create gender balanced leadership by providing girls with the tools to become leaders dedicated to making this country a better place. Whereas Girl Scouts has made financial literacy a high priority in its programs and activities for more than 100 years and continues to develop financial empowerment programs for girls in grades K-12 to guarantee another generation of independent female leaders. Whereas the Girl Scout cookie program introduces girls to the concepts of business planning and entrepreneurship and is the largest girl-led business, teaching girls the values of goal setting, decision making money management people skills and business ethics. Whereas Girl Scouts teaches girls how to build healthy relationships through anti-bullying and relational aggression programs. Whereas girl scouts are committed to ensuring that every girl has the opportunity to explore and build an interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, helping them to develop critical thinking skills problem-solving skills and collaborative skills which are vital throughout life. Whereas in the state of Colorado, Girl Scouting reaches all 64 counties with Girl Scout offices in Colorado Springs, Denver, Ft. Colins, Grand Junction Pueblo and Mt. Camp properties near Bailey, Estes Park, Red Feather Lakes, Rye and Woodland Park. Whereas through dedication, time and talent of 10,000 dedicated Colorado Volunteers of different abilities, backgrounds and areas of expertise the Girl Scout program is brought to more than 20,000 girls in grades K-12 across the state. And Whereas in 2016, more than 1,600 Girl Scouts helped make the world a better place and earned one of Girl Scouts highest honors, the bronze silver or gold award.