Hello Castle Rock friends, we need your help and by we, I mean the entire Castle Rock community.

Because of our population, there really isn’t a good source to get news and information pertaining to the Castle Rock area which is why we’ve decided to kick off Castle Rock as a resource, guide and news web site focusing primary on Castle Rock and its surrounding areas.

Here’s where you come in: We need individuals who enjoy writing to contribute in various ways.

Neighborhood Guides

We’re looking for individuals who really know their neighborhoods well and can update our readers on a weekly basis about local news and events in their respective neighborhoods.

Local News

Do you love to break local stories and share the good news about your community? Castle Rock is seeking volunteer journalists who live in Castle Rock to report on local stories including events, politics, community news and more.

City Service

I’d be willing to bet that the majority of people reading this likely don’t watch the city counsel meetings, in fact they might not even know they exist but the topics are major ones that can effect our communities future, so it’s critical to get involved.

Business Spotlight

Do business local: That’s our motto and it never ceases to amaze me how many people have lived in Castle Rock for a substantial amount of time and still don’t know all of the perks and incredible local businesses and services there are in town. We’re looking for a writer who can jump on a mission to discover some of Castle Rock’s finest.

To learn more about writing for Castle Rock, e-mail [email protected] today!