Health and Wellness

Home Health and Wellness

Is Your Health and Wellness a Lifestyle Choice?

A Holistic, Spiritual Lifestyle Health and its historical linguistics can be traced back to the Old English, Germanic, or Old...

COVID-19 Cleanup: What You Need to Know

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to run its course throughout the world, many of us have been thinking a lot about cleanliness...

Local 3D Imaging and Soothing Sensory Suite Take Anxiety Out of Mammograms

Until now, doctors at Castle Rock Adventist Hospital have only had the ability to view breasts during routine mammograms in two dimensions. Starting next...

Give Mom a Break for Mother’s Day

What is the one thing most moms want on Mother’s Day but feel guilty to admit? Is it flowers, cards, and a massage? While...

Suit Up in May for 6202 Cycling Club

Castle Rock’s 6202 Cycling club (named for the Town’s elevation) is comprised of members who periodically join together for bicycle rides and undertake community...

Spring Flowers and Kleenex

Springtime is a time for beautiful blooming flowers, green grass growing and warmer temperatures. Unfortunately for some, spring means itchy red eyes, a constant...

Could My Toddler Have a Febrile Seizure?

Finding you toddler face down on the floor convulsing likely sends most parents into a state of shock. Especially when they have never previously...

Channel Your Will Power and Resist the Potato Chips!

Usually topping most New Year’s resolutions lists, getting fit is not a bad goal to have. There are endless studies from medical professionals, gym...